This example allows a development module to act as a single channel gateway, and connect to a LoRaWAN network such as The Things Stack (TTS). The files can be found in our GitHub Repository.
The functionality of the Nano-Gateway is split into 3 files,, and These are used to configure and specify how the gateway will connect to a preferred network and how it can act as packet forwarder.
Most LoRaWAN network servers expect a Gateway ID in the form of a unique 64-bit hexadecimal number (called a EUI-64). The recommended practice is to produce this ID from your board by expanding the WiFi MAC address (a 48-bit number, called MAC-48). You can obtain that by running this code prior to configuration:
from network import WLAN import ubinascii wl = WLAN() ubinascii.hexlify(wl.mac())[:6] + 'FFFE' + ubinascii.hexlify(wl.mac())[6:]
The result will by something like b'240ac4FFFE008d88' where 240ac4FFFE008d88 is your Gateway ID to be used in your network provider configuration.
This file runs at boot and calls the library and files to initialise the nano-gateway. Once configuration is set, the nano-gateway is then started.
""" LoPy LoRaWAN Nano Gateway example usage """ # Acknowledgement: # Thanks to robert-hh for providing us with an updated, more stable example for the nanogateway # disable heartbeat from pycom import heartbeat heartbeat(False) print ("Heartbeat off") import utime from machine import RTC rtc = RTC() rtc.ntp_sync("") utime.sleep_ms(750) t = with open("bootlog.txt", "a") as f: f.write(repr(utime.time()) + " " + repr(t) + "\n") def reload(mod): import sys mod_name = mod.__name__ del sys.modules[mod_name] return __import__(mod_name) from machine import reset """ LoPy LoRaWAN Nano Gateway example usage """ import config from nanogateway import NanoGateway if True: #__name__ == '__main__': nanogw = NanoGateway( id=config.GATEWAY_ID, frequency=config.LORA_FREQUENCY, datarate=config.LORA_GW_DR, ssid=config.WIFI_SSID, password=config.WIFI_PASS, server=config.SERVER, port=config.PORT, ntp_server=config.NTP, ntp_period=config.NTP_PERIOD_S ) nanogw.start() #nanogw._log('You may now press ENTER to enter the REPL') #input()
This file contains settings for the server and network it is connecting to. Depending on the nano-gateway region and provider (TTN, Loriot, etc.) these will vary. The provided example will work with The Things Network (TTN) in the European, 868Mhz, region.
The Gateway ID is generated in the script using the process described above.
Please change the WIFI_SSID and WIFI_PASS variables to match your desired WiFi network
""" LoPy LoRaWAN Nano Gateway configuration options """ import machine import ubinascii WIFI_MAC = ubinascii.hexlify(machine.unique_id()).upper() # Set the Gateway ID to be the first 3 bytes of MAC address + 'FFFE' + last 3 bytes of MAC address # GATEWAY_ID = WIFI_MAC[:6] + "FFFE" + WIFI_MAC[6:12] GATEWAY_ID = WIFI_MAC[:6] + "FFFF" + WIFI_MAC[6:12] SERVER = '' #for TTS v3, use '' PORT = 1700 NTP = "" NTP_PERIOD_S = 3600 WIFI_SSID = '' WIFI_PASS = '' # for IN865 # LORA_FREQUENCY = 865062500 # LORA_GW_DR = "SF7BW125" # DR_5 # LORA_NODE_DR = 5 # for EU868 LORA_FREQUENCY = 868500000 LORA_GW_DR = "SF7BW125" # DR_5 LORA_NODE_DR = 5 # for US915 # LORA_FREQUENCY = 903900000 # LORA_GW_DR = "SF7BW125" # DR_3 # LORA_NODE_DR = 3
The nano-gateway library controls all of the packet generation and forwarding for the LoRa data. This does not require any user configuration and the latest version of this code should be downloaded from the SG Wireless GitHub Repository.
""" LoPy LoRaWAN Nano Gateway. Can be used for both EU868 and US915. """ import errno import machine import ubinascii import ujson import uos import usocket import utime import _thread import gc from micropython import const from network import LoRa from network import WLAN from machine import Timer from machine import WDT PROTOCOL_VERSION = const(2) PUSH_DATA = const(0) PUSH_ACK = const(1) PULL_DATA = const(2) PULL_ACK = const(4) PULL_RESP = const(3) TX_ERR_NONE = 'NONE' TX_ERR_TOO_LATE = 'TOO_LATE' TX_ERR_TOO_EARLY = 'TOO_EARLY' TX_ERR_COLLISION_PACKET = 'COLLISION_PACKET' TX_ERR_COLLISION_BEACON = 'COLLISION_BEACON' TX_ERR_TX_FREQ = 'TX_FREQ' TX_ERR_TX_POWER = 'TX_POWER' TX_ERR_GPS_UNLOCKED = 'GPS_UNLOCKED' UDP_THREAD_CYCLE_MS = const(10) WDT_TIMEOUT = const(120) STAT_PK = { 'stat': { 'time': '', 'lati': 0, 'long': 0, 'alti': 0, 'rxnb': 0, 'rxok': 0, 'rxfw': 0, 'ackr': 100.0, 'dwnb': 0, 'txnb': 0 } } RX_PK = { 'rxpk': [{ 'time': '', 'tmst': 0, 'chan': 0, 'rfch': 0, 'freq': 0, 'stat': 1, 'modu': 'LORA', 'datr': '', 'codr': '4/5', 'rssi': 0, 'lsnr': 0, 'size': 0, 'data': '' }] } TX_ACK_PK = { 'txpk_ack': { 'error': '' } } class NanoGateway: """ Nano gateway class, set up by default for use with TTN, but can be configured for any other network supporting the Semtech Packet Forwarder. Only required configuration is wifi_ssid and wifi_password which are used for connecting to the Internet. """ def __init__(self, id, frequency, datarate, ssid, password, server, port, ntp_server='', ntp_period=3600): = id self.server = server self.port = port self.frequency = frequency self.datarate = datarate self.ssid = ssid self.password = password self.ntp_server = ntp_server self.ntp_period = ntp_period self.server_ip = None self.rxnb = 0 self.rxok = 0 self.rxfw = 0 self.dwnb = 0 self.txnb = 0 self.sf = self._dr_to_sf(self.datarate) = self._dr_to_bw(self.datarate) self.stat_alarm = None self.pull_alarm = None self.uplink_alarm = None self.wlan = None self.sock = None self.udp_stop = False self.udp_lock = _thread.allocate_lock() self.lora = None self.lora_sock = None self.rtc = machine.RTC() self.watchdog = WDT(timeout=10000) def start(self): """ Starts the LoRaWAN nano gateway. """ self._log('Starting LoRaWAN nano gateway with id: {}', # setup WiFi as a station and connect self.wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) self._connect_to_wifi() self.watchdog.feed() # get a time sync self._log('Syncing time with {} ...', self.ntp_server) self.rtc.ntp_sync(self.ntp_server, update_period=self.ntp_period) while not self.rtc.synced(): utime.sleep_ms(50) self.watchdog.feed() self._log("RTC NTP sync complete") self.watchdog.feed() # get the server IP and create an UDP socket self.server_ip = usocket.getaddrinfo(self.server, self.port)[0][-1] self._log('Opening UDP socket to {} ({}) port {}...', self.server, self.server_ip[0], self.server_ip[1]) self.sock = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_DGRAM, usocket.IPPROTO_UDP) self.sock.setsockopt(usocket.SOL_SOCKET, usocket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.sock.setblocking(False) # push the first time immediatelly self._push_data(self._make_stat_packet()) # create the alarms self.stat_alarm = Timer.Alarm(handler=lambda t: self._push_data(self._make_stat_packet()), s=60, periodic=True) self.pull_alarm = Timer.Alarm(handler=lambda u: self._pull_data(), s=25, periodic=True) # start the watchdog self.watchdog.feed() utime.sleep(1) self._log("Watchdog started") # start the UDP receive thread self.udp_stop = False _thread.start_new_thread(self._udp_thread, ()) self.watchdog.feed() # initialize the LoRa radio in LORA mode self._log('Setting up the LoRa radio at {} Mhz using {}', self._freq_to_float(self.frequency), self.datarate) self.lora = LoRa( mode=LoRa.LORA, region=LoRa.EU868, frequency=self.frequency,, sf=self.sf, preamble=8, coding_rate=LoRa.CODING_4_5, tx_iq=True ) # create a raw LoRa socket self.lora_sock = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_LORA, usocket.SOCK_RAW) self.lora_sock.setblocking(False) self.lora_tx_done = False self.watchdog.feed() self.lora.callback(trigger=(LoRa.RX_PACKET_EVENT | LoRa.TX_PACKET_EVENT), handler=self._lora_cb) self.watchdog.feed() if uos.uname()[0] == "LoPy": self.window_compensation = -1000 else: self.window_compensation = -6000 self.watchdog.feed() self._log('LoRaWAN nano gateway online') def stop(self): """ Stops the LoRaWAN nano gateway. """ self._log('Stopping...') # send the LoRa radio to sleep self.lora.callback(trigger=None, handler=None) self.lora.power_mode(LoRa.SLEEP) # stop the NTP sync self.rtc.ntp_sync(None) # cancel all the alarms self.stat_alarm.cancel() self.pull_alarm.cancel() # signal the UDP thread to stop self.udp_stop = True while self.udp_stop: utime.sleep_ms(50) # disable WLAN self.wlan.disconnect() self.wlan.deinit() def _connect_to_wifi(self): self.wlan.connect(self.ssid, auth=(None, self.password)) while not self.wlan.isconnected(): utime.sleep_ms(50) self.watchdog.feed() self._log('WiFi connected to: {}', self.ssid) def _dr_to_sf(self, dr): sf = dr[2:4] if sf[1] not in '0123456789': sf = sf[:1] return int(sf) def _dr_to_bw(self, dr): bw = dr[-5:] if bw == 'BW125': return LoRa.BW_125KHZ elif bw == 'BW250': return LoRa.BW_250KHZ else: return LoRa.BW_500KHZ def _sf_bw_to_dr(self, sf, bw): dr = 'SF' + str(sf) if bw == LoRa.BW_125KHZ: return dr + 'BW125' elif bw == LoRa.BW_250KHZ: return dr + 'BW250' else: return dr + 'BW500' def _lora_cb(self, lora): """ LoRa radio events callback handler. """ events = if events & LoRa.RX_PACKET_EVENT: self.rxnb += 1 self.rxok += 1 rx_data = self.lora_sock.recv(256) stats = lora.stats() packet = self._make_node_packet(rx_data,, stats.rx_timestamp, stats.sfrx,, stats.rssi, stats.snr) self._push_data(packet) self._log('Received packet: {}', packet) self.rxfw += 1 if events & LoRa.TX_PACKET_EVENT: self.txnb += 1 lora.init( mode=LoRa.LORA, region=LoRa.EU868, frequency=self.frequency,, sf=self.sf, preamble=8, coding_rate=LoRa.CODING_4_5, tx_iq=True ) def _freq_to_float(self, frequency): """ MicroPython has some inprecision when doing large float division. To counter this, this method first does integer division until we reach the decimal breaking point. This doesn't completely elimate the issue in all cases, but it does help for a number of commonly used frequencies. """ divider = 6 while divider > 0 and frequency % 10 == 0: frequency = frequency // 10 divider -= 1 if divider > 0: frequency = frequency / (10 ** divider) return frequency def _make_stat_packet(self): now = STAT_PK["stat"]["time"] = "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT" % (now[0], now[1], now[2], now[3], now[4], now[5]) STAT_PK["stat"]["rxnb"] = self.rxnb STAT_PK["stat"]["rxok"] = self.rxok STAT_PK["stat"]["rxfw"] = self.rxfw STAT_PK["stat"]["dwnb"] = self.dwnb STAT_PK["stat"]["txnb"] = self.txnb return ujson.dumps(STAT_PK) def _make_node_packet(self, rx_data, rx_time, tmst, sf, bw, rssi, snr): RX_PK["rxpk"][0]["time"] = "%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%dZ" % (rx_time[0], rx_time[1], rx_time[2], rx_time[3], rx_time[4], rx_time[5], rx_time[6]) RX_PK["rxpk"][0]["tmst"] = tmst RX_PK["rxpk"][0]["freq"] = self._freq_to_float(self.frequency) RX_PK["rxpk"][0]["datr"] = self._sf_bw_to_dr(sf, bw) RX_PK["rxpk"][0]["rssi"] = rssi RX_PK["rxpk"][0]["lsnr"] = snr RX_PK["rxpk"][0]["data"] = ubinascii.b2a_base64(rx_data)[:-1] RX_PK["rxpk"][0]["size"] = len(rx_data) return ujson.dumps(RX_PK) def _push_data(self, data): token = uos.urandom(2) packet = bytes([PROTOCOL_VERSION]) + token + bytes([PUSH_DATA]) + ubinascii.unhexlify( + data with self.udp_lock: try: self.sock.sendto(packet, self.server_ip) except Exception as ex: self._log('Failed to push uplink packet to server: {}', ex) def _pull_data(self): token = uos.urandom(2) packet = bytes([PROTOCOL_VERSION]) + token + bytes([PULL_DATA]) + ubinascii.unhexlify( with self.udp_lock: try: self.sock.sendto(packet, self.server_ip) except Exception as ex: self._log('Failed to pull downlink packets from server: {}', ex) def _ack_pull_rsp(self, token, error): TX_ACK_PK["txpk_ack"]["error"] = error resp = ujson.dumps(TX_ACK_PK) packet = bytes([PROTOCOL_VERSION]) + token + bytes([PULL_ACK]) + ubinascii.unhexlify( + resp with self.udp_lock: try: self.sock.sendto(packet, self.server_ip) except Exception as ex: self._log('PULL RSP ACK exception: {}', ex) def _send_down_link(self, data, tmst, datarate, frequency): """ Transmits a downlink message over LoRa. """ self.lora.init( mode=LoRa.LORA, region=LoRa.EU868, frequency=frequency, bandwidth=self._dr_to_bw(datarate), sf=self._dr_to_sf(datarate), preamble=8, coding_rate=LoRa.CODING_4_5, tx_iq=True ) while utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_cpu(), tmst) > 0: pass self.lora_sock.settimeout(1) self.lora_sock.send(data) self.lora_sock.setblocking(False) self._log( 'Sent downlink packet scheduled on {:.3f}, at {:,d} Hz using {}: {}', tmst / 1000000, frequency, datarate, data ) def _udp_thread(self): """ UDP thread, reads data from the server and handles it. """ while not self.udp_stop: gc.collect() try: data, src = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) _token = data[1:3] _type = data[3] if _type == PUSH_ACK: self._log("Push ack") elif _type == PULL_ACK: self._log("Pull ack") elif _type == PULL_RESP: self.dwnb += 1 ack_error = TX_ERR_NONE tx_pk = ujson.loads(data[4:]) payload = ubinascii.a2b_base64(tx_pk["txpk"]["data"]) # depending on the board, pull the downlink message 1 or 6 ms upfronnt tmst = utime.ticks_add(tx_pk["txpk"]["tmst"], self.window_compensation) t_us = utime.ticks_diff(utime.ticks_cpu(), utime.ticks_add(tmst, -15000)) if 1000 < t_us < 10000000: self.uplink_alarm = Timer.Alarm( handler=lambda x: self._send_down_link( payload, tmst, tx_pk["txpk"]["datr"], int(tx_pk["txpk"]["freq"] * 1000 + 0.0005) * 1000 ), us=t_us ) else: ack_error = TX_ERR_TOO_LATE self._log('Downlink timestamp error!, t_us: {}', t_us) self._ack_pull_rsp(_token, ack_error) self._log("Pull rsp") except usocket.timeout: pass except OSError as ex: if ex.args[0] != errno.EAGAIN: self._log('UDP recv OSError Exception: {}', ex) except Exception as ex: self._log('UDP recv Exception: {}', ex) self.watchdog.feed() # self._log("Feeding the dog") # wait before trying to receive again utime.sleep_ms(UDP_THREAD_CYCLE_MS) # we are to close the socket self.sock.close() self.udp_stop = False self._log('UDP thread stopped') def _log(self, message, *args): """ Outputs a log message to stdout. """ print('[{:>10.3f}] {}'.format( utime.ticks_ms() / 1000, str(message).format(*args) ))
As the gateway only supports a single channel, we need to setup our nodes to only send packets over that channel. The node can either use OTAA or ABP, but we’ll have to setup the correct channel. Use the following example to setup the correct channels for EU868. This can be modified for use in 915MHz regions as well:
# remove all the default channels for EU868 for i in range(3, 16): lora.remove_channel(i) # set the 3 default channels to the same frequency (must be before sending the join request) lora.add_channel(0, frequency=868100000, dr_min=0, dr_max=5) lora.add_channel(1, frequency=868100000, dr_min=0, dr_max=5) lora.add_channel(2, frequency=868100000, dr_min=0, dr_max=5) # remove all the default channels for US915 / AU915 for i in range(3, 64): lora.remove_channel(i) # set the 3 default channels to the same frequency (must be before sending the join request) lora.add_channel(0, frequency=903900000, dr_min=0, dr_max=3) lora.add_channel(1, frequency=903900000, dr_min=0, dr_max=3) lora.add_channel(2, frequency=903900000, dr_min=0, dr_max=3)
Please check the LoRaWAN Device Registration page for more information