Mechanical Data
Mechanical Specification All pins have a pin width of 0.7mm with the exception of pin VBATT (pin #A4) with pin width 1.0mm.
Figure 2: F1 Smart Module Pin Dimensions, Pin Pitches and Pin Locations (Top View)
Module Pin-out
Figure 3: F1 Smart Module Pin-out (Top View)
Table 8: F1 Smart Module Pin-out
Recommended PCB Landing Pattern All pins have a pin width of 0.7mm with the exception of pin VBATT (pin #A4) with pin width 1.0mm.
Figure 4: F1 Smart Module Recommended PCB Landing Pattern (Top View)
Recommended Basic Circuit
Figure 5: F1 Smart Module Recommended Basic Circuit
Recommended Soldering Profile
Figure 6: F1 Smart Module Recommended Reflow Soldering Profile