This class provides an interface to use the MDNS functionality.

Quick Usage Example

Example for advertising own services:

import time
from network import MDNS
# As a first step connection to network should be estbalished, e.g. via WLAN

# Initialize the MDNS module
# Set the hostname and instance name of this device
MDNS.set_name(hostname = "my_hostname", instance_name = "my_instance")
# Add a TCP service to advertise
MDNS.add_service("_http", MDNS.PROTO_TCP, 80)
# Add an UDP service to advertise
MDNS.add_service("_myservice", MDNS.PROTO_UDP, 1234, txt= (("board","esp32"),("u","user"),("p","password")))

# Give the other devices time to discover the services offered

# Remove a service, it will no longer be advertised
MDNS.remove_service("_http", MDNS.PROTO_TCP)

Example for querying:

import time
from network import MDNS
# As a first step connection to network should be estbalished, e.g. via WLAN

# Initialize the MDNS module

# Perform a query for 2000 ms
q = MDNS.query(2000, "_http", MDNS.PROTO_TCP)

# Print out the query's result
if q is not None:
    for elem in q:


class network.MDNS()

Initialize the MDNS module.



Deinitialize the MDNS module and removes all registered services.

MDNS.set_name(*, hostname=None, instance_name=None)

Set the hostname and instance name of the device that is going to be advertised.

The arguments are:

  • hostname is the hostname to set
  • instance_name is the instance name to set

MDNS.add_service(service_type, proto, port, *, txt)

Add a service to the MDNS module which will be advertised.

The arguments are:

  • service_type is the type of the offered service, e.g.: _http, _ftp or can be custom service
  • proto is the Layer 4 protocol (TCP or UDP), can be MDNS.PROTO_TCP or MDNS.PROTO_UDP
  • port is the port number
  • txt is the TXT entries to be placed into the advertisement. The TXT entry is a (key, value) tuple and several TXT entries can be included in an advertisement. In that case, ‘txt’ must be given as a list of tuples.

MDNS.remove_service(service_type, proto)

Remove a service from the MDNS module so it will not be advertised anymore.

The arguments are:

  • service_type is the type of the service, e.g.: _http, _ftp or can be custom service
  • proto is the Layer 4 protocol (TCP or UDP), can be MDNS.PROTO_TCP or MDNS.PROTO_UDP

MDNS.query(timeout, service_type, proto, *, instance_name=None)

Perform a query with the given parameters.

The arguments are:

  • timeout is the timeout value in milliseconds to wait to receive the results
  • service_type is the type of the service to be queried, e.g.: _http, _ftp or can be custom service
  • proto is the Layer 4 protocol (TCP or UDP), can be MDNS.PROTO_TCP or MDNS.PROTO_UDP
  • instance_name is the instance name of the service to be queried

If the service is found then the function returns with a list of MDNS_Query objects.

MDNS_Query class

The MDNS_Query aggregates all of the properties of a successful query session entry:

  • hostname is the hostname of the host advertising the service
  • instance_name is the instance_name of the service
  • addr is the IPv4 address belonging to the service
  • port is the port number belonging to the service
  • txt is the TXT entries from the advertisement. The TXT entry is a (key, value) tuple, and several TXT entries can be included in an advertisement.


Return with the hostname of the queried service.


Return with the instance name of the queried service.


Return with the IPv4 address of the queried service.


Return with the port of the queried service.


Return with the TXT entries of the queried service.


  • TCP and UDP protocol types: MDNS.PROTO_TCP, MDNS.PROTO_UDP