
See Python array for more information.


class array.array(typecode, [iterable])

Create array with elements of given type. Initial contents of the array are given by an iterable. If it is not provided, an empty array is created. Supported format codes:

  • b: signed char, 1 byte
  • B: unsigned char, 1 byte
  • h: signed short, 2 bytes
  • H: unsigned short, 2 bytes
  • i: signed int, 2 bytes
  • I: unsigned int, 2 bytes
  • l: signed long, 4 bytes
  • L: unsigned long, 4 bytes
  • q: signed long long, 8 bytes
  • Q: unsigned long long, 8 bytes
  • f: foat, 4 bytes
  • d: double, 8 bytes

Adapting the type code to the array-type you want to create can save a lot of space on the microcontroller.



Append new element to the end of array, growing it.


Append new elements as contained in an iterable to the end of array, growing it.