Body large
Body small: Controlling the GPIO pins of the modules is rather easy. In the example below, we can let the orange LED on the expansion board blink.
Word Enter Word
Columns link 1 Columns link 2 Columns link 3 Columns link 4 Columns link 5
Note: in light sleep mode LoRa/LTE modems are stopped and have to be re-initialized after wakeup.
If something goes wrong, the device can be reset with two methods. The first is to press Enter at the MicroPython prompt.
import machine import time print("this will be printed before: " + str(time.ticks_ms())) machine.sleep(1000*10, False) print("this will be printed after 10 seconds: "+ str(time.ticks_ms()))
Tutorials and examples for use with SG modules and products
Tutorials and examples for use with SG modules and procucts