The following example receives data from a light sensor using I2C. Sensor used is the BH1750FVI Digital Light Sensor.
Please pay attention that for F1 module and F1 starter kit, I2C(0) is reserved as internal use, please start from I2C(1) for any new I2C bus for F1 module and F1 starter kit.

import time
from machine import I2C
import bh1750fvi

i2c = I2C(1, freq=100000)
#Remark: I2C(0) is reserved in F1 as internal I2C bus, please avoid using I2C(0)
light_sensor = bh1750fvi.BH1750FVI(i2c, addr=i2c.scan()[0])

        data = light_sensor.read()

Drivers for the BH1750FVI

Place this sample code into a file named bh1750fvi.py. This can then be imported as a library.

# Simple driver for the BH1750FVI digital light sensor

class BH1750FVI:
    MEASUREMENT_TIME = const(120)

    def __init__(self, i2c, addr=0x23, period=150):
        self.i2c = i2c
        self.period = period
        self.addr = addr
        self.time = 0
        self.value = 0
        self.i2c.writeto(addr, bytes([0x10])) # start continuos 1 Lux readings every 120ms

    def read(self):
        self.time += self.period
        if self.time>= MEASUREMENT_TIME:
            self.time = 0
            data = self.i2c.readfrom(self.addr, 2)
            self.value = (((data[0]<<8) + data[1]) * 1200) // 1000
        return self.value