LoRa WAN API Documentation

Available LoRa WAN APIs Summary

API Call Brief description
lora.stats() displays the current stats of lora WAN
lora.wan_params() set the lora WAN regional parameters
lora.commission() set the LoRa-WAN commissioning parameters
lora.join() start performing join procedure
lora.send() transmit a LoRa-WAN packet
lora.recv() receive a LoRa-WAN packet
lora.port_open() open a lora-wan port to be able to tx/rx over it
lora.port_close() close a lora-wan port, tx/rx on it will be discarded
lora.callback() set a user level callback to listen to specifc events
lora.duty_get() get the current duty-cycle in milliseconds
lora.duty_set() set the the duty-cycle to a specific value
lora.duty_start() start duty-cycle operation
lora.duty_stop() stop duty-cycle operation
lora.enable_rx_listening() perform class-a cycle to fetch pending DL msg
lora.disable_rx_listening() if no pending UL msg, discard class-a cycle

LoRa WAN Stats

Displays useful information about the current lora-WAN settings such as: enabled region, current working class, Device EUI DevEUI, Join EUI, current assigned DevAddr after the joined procedure, lora-wan operating version and the type of activation whether NONEOTAA, or ABP


    # outputs
    # - region               : EU-868
    # - class                : class-A
    # - dev eui              : 39 2C 39 D1 5D 3E 12 10
    # - join eui             : EA 68 DE 1C 4B E0 20 F4
    # - dev addr             : 01 88 DB B8
    # - lorawan version      : val: 16778240 ( )
    # - activation           : OTAA

Setting LoraWAN parameters

To change the current operating region and forces the device to be in class AB or C


lora.wan_params(region = lora._region.REGION_EU868, lwclass = lora._class.CLASS_A)
    # sets the lora region to EU868
    # sets the default working class to class A which is the default

Device commissioning

To give the device its credentials, it takes the following arguments:

  • version=<version> to specify the end-device LoRa standard. It takes one of the following:

    • version=lora._version.VERSION_1_0_x LoRa version 1.0.x
    • version=lora._version.VERSION_1_1_x LoRa version 1.1.x
  • type=lora._commission.OTAA Device will be commissioned using OTAA procedure and the device shall perform the Join procedure before tx/rx with the network in this activation method, the following keys shall be provided along with:

    • DevEUI The device EUI
    • JoinEUI The Join EUI
    • AppKey The AppKey
    • NwkKey The NwkKey
  • type=lora._commission.ABP The device will not perform the join procedure and it will send directly an UL message. The following parameters shall be provided:

    • DevEUI The device EUI
    • DevAddr The device network address
    • AppSKey The application security key
    • NwkSKey The network security key

REMARK If the device is already joined the network, after this commissioning operation the device will not be considered joined and need to rejoin again using the new provided commissioning parameters


import lora
import ubinascii

# OTAA Version 1.0.x Example
    type    = lora._commission.OTAA,
    version = lora._version.VERSION_1_0_X,
    DevEUI  = ubinascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000'),
    JoinEUI = ubinascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000'),
    AppKey  = ubinascii.unhexlify('00000000000000000000000000000000')

# OTAA Version 1.1.x Example
    type    = lora._commission.OTAA,
    version = lora._version.VERSION_1_1_X,
    DevEUI  = ubinascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000'),
    JoinEUI = ubinascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000'),
    AppKey  = ubinascii.unhexlify('00000000000000000000000000000000'),
    NwkKey  = ubinascii.unhexlify('00000000000000000000000000000000')

# ABP Version 1.0.x Example
    type    = lora._commission.ABP,
    version = lora._version.VERSION_1_0_X,
    DevAddr = 0x00000000,
    DevEUI  = ubinascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000'),
    AppSKey = ubinascii.unhexlify('00000000000000000000000000000000'),
    NwkSKey = ubinascii.unhexlify('00000000000000000000000000000000')

# ABP Version 1.1.x Example
    type    = lora._commission.ABP,
    version = lora._version.VERSION_1_1_X,
    DevAddr = 0x00000000,
    DevEUI  = ubinascii.unhexlify('0000000000000000'),
    AppSKey = ubinascii.unhexlify('00000000000000000000000000000000'),
    NwkSKey = ubinascii.unhexlify('00000000000000000000000000000000')


Mandator operation to let the device join the network and be able to TX/RX with the lora-WAN server


import lora
import time

# start join procedure

# wait until join
while lora.is_joined() == False:

Sending data

To plan an UL message. It takes the following parameters:

  • message the message buffer to be sent, can be a normal string or byte array
  • optional arguments:
parameter-name value-type default-value desc
config bool False To receive an ack from network server upon its reception
port int 1 on which lora-wan port to send this message
retries int 0 number of retried until the UL tx succeeded
timeout int no-timeout time-out in ms to perform the full UL operation
sync int False block until timeout or operation success/failure
id int 0 user defined message id to be returned in the callback


# send an asynchronous UL message, with id=0, and without confirmation, no retries
# upon tx failure, and no specified timeout which means the message will be
# scheduled for UL in its turn within the pending UL messages until the duty-cycle
# tx operation fetches it and send it
lora.send('ul tx message')

# send a message like before message, but if timeout of 3 seconds passed,
# drop the message and don't send it
lora.send('ul tx message', timeout=3000)

# repeat the transmission for upto 2 times, the full operation timeout including
# the retries attempts is 20 seconds
lora.send('ul tx message', timeout=20000, retries=2)

# same as before message but wait for confirmation as well from the network server
lora.send('ul tx message', timeout=20000, retries=2, confirm=True)

# same as the previous message, but the caller will be blocked until timeout,
# or message is successfully sent and acked
lora.send('ul tx message', timeout=20000, retries=2, confirm=True, sync=True)

Receiving Data

The received data will come in the callback only

LoRa Ports

LoRa WAN sends/receives data over what is called ports, valid application ports are from 1 to 223.

A port must be opened first before sending and receiving data over it


# opening port 1
lora.port_open(1)   # data can be tx/rx over port 1

lora.send('any', port=5)    # ignored because port 5 is not opened
lora.send('any', port=1)    # will be planned successfully for UL

# opening port 1
lora.port_open(5)   # data can be tx/rx over port 5
lora.send('any', port=5)    # now it will be planned successfully

lora.port_close(1)  # no tx/rx more over this port
lora.port_close(5)  # no tx/rx more over this port

Callbacks lora.callback()

It can set a user lever callback and it takes the following parameters:

  • ‘handler’ a callbeack function to be called (default any)
  • ‘trigger’ an OR combination of the required events that can trigger to this callback
  • ‘port’ a special port of the incoming messages events (default any)


def get_evt_str(evt):
    if evt != None:
        if evt == lora._event.EVENT_TX_DONE:
            return 'EVENT_TX_DONE'
        elif evt == lora._event.EVENT_TX_TIMEOUT:
            return 'EVENT_TX_TIMEOUT'
        elif evt == lora._event.EVENT_TX_FAILED:
            return 'EVENT_TX_FAILED'
        elif evt == lora._event.EVENT_TX_CONFIRM:
            return 'EVENT_TX_CONFIRM'
        elif evt == lora._event.EVENT_RX_DONE:
            return 'EVENT_RX_DONE'
        elif evt == lora._event.EVENT_RX_TIMEOUT:
            return 'EVENT_RX_TIMEOUT'
        elif evt == lora._event.EVENT_RX_FAIL:
            return 'EVENT_RX_FAIL'
    return '--UNKNOWN-EVENT--'

def cb_on_any(event, evt_data):
    print('(  cb_on_any   )--> event: ' + get_evt_str(event))
    if evt_data != None:

def cb_on_port_1(event, evt_data):
    print('( cb_on_port_1 )--> event: ' + get_evt_str(event))
    if evt_data != None:

port_1_triggers = lora._event.EVENT_RX_DONE | lora._event.EVENT_TX_DONE
lora_unittest.test_callback_set(handler=cb_on_port_1, trigger=port_1_triggers, port=1)

Duty cycle operations

The device is normally working in class-A and the device shall follow a duty-cycle to do UL/DL operation. This duty cycle should be regulated to respect the time-on-air for this device.

The available operation are duty_set()duty_get()duty_start()duty_stop()


lora.duty_set(15000)    # sets the duty cycle timer to 15 seconds
                        # which means that every 15 seconds the device will check
                        # if TX pending and send it, and listen in the RX window
                        # to any scheduled DL message for this device

lora.duty_get()         # retrieve the current duty cycle time

lora.duty_start()       # start duty cycle operation

lora.duty_stop()        # stop duty cycle operation

RX listening

RX listening means that the device will send a dummy UL message in case no pending TX message is pending, so that the server will plan an RX window for this device and hence the device can receive any pending DL message

the default behaviour is that the RX listening is disabled


lora.enable_rx_listening()      # enable listening

lora.disable_rx_listening()     # disable listening
                                # the device will listen only when there is a real
                                # planned UL TX message