
Using the print() statements in your python script is quite easy. But did you know you can also concatenate strings and variables inline? If you are familiar with C, its functionality is similar to the printf() function, but with \n always included.

import machine
print("hello world")
print("hello world.", end='') # do not end line
#you can also specify different endings, like additional text, tabs or any other escape characters
for i in range(0,9):
    print(".", end='')
print("\n") #feed a new line
print("\t tabbed in") 
#you can specify a variable into the string as well!
print("hello world: " + str(machine.rng()) + " random number" )
#or use format
print("hello world: {} {}".format(machine.rng(), " random number"))
#you can also ask for user input
result = input("what's up?\n")
# and lastly, you can also print like this,which is very useful when printing large amounts of data
i = 10